The Moorish Empire vs Paul and The Doctrine of Discovery

This is part one of

The Moorish Empire vs Paul and The Doctrine of Discovery

In many ways John (Yaya) the Prophet and Original Witness of Nabi Isa’s (Messiah Jesus) Book of Revelation, is overlooked in history. From a religious point of view he is overlooked as the chief Disciple of Nabi Isa (Messiah Jesus) . It is also overlooked by many religious practitioners the Prophet John (Yaya) was the inheritor to the original doctrines of The Messiah Jesus . However, the most profound aspects of Prophet John is the fact the he in reality is the root seed to the Moorish Empire.

The might of Prophet John’s works were continued by his brother James and later their relative Prophet Muhammad of Arabia. The original doctrine of Prophet Muhammad was strict adherence to the Injil (Book of Revelation) and a rejection of Paul’s doctrine. Those who accepted Paul’s doctrine grew to be the Great European powers of the Crusades . In Contrast the movement of John gave rise to vast Moorish Empires such as Mansa Musa, and Al Andalusia and institutions such as Timbuktu.